Sunday, August 5, 2012


I'm feeling like an old school homiletics trained preacher boy since I'm about to write a post with three points all starting with P. I swear it's just a fluke. I won't do it again. I never had those classes, it's purely coincidental. This is the same passage that I posted on last time. That happens occasionally. I read something, write on it, and then go to move on but I can't, and I end up rereading it over and over even though I'd already written on and should be moving on. Here, as always, there's more that God desires me to get from it. I spent the last couple posts focused on the idea of attitudes and actions, but only mentioned the specific actions briefly. As I've been rereading them, I've realized that they all root to key issues in my life right which happen to nauseatingly all start with the letter "P". Here's the passage again:

"11 But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness.12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses."

I took these as action words, fighting words, arrrrr matey manly words. But then again the first one is "FLEE". Not all that tough in retrospect. I link flee and PURSUE. They are perfect opposites, yet linked. From reading the context there are a lot things you could say we are to flee: materialism, infighting, selfish ambition, etc... So the first "P" I saw was purpose. It seems obvious and easy until I skip from assumed mental assent to practical application. What is my current purpose? Glorify God. I wanted to do that by starting a sort of ministry for people who don't like church. It's an exciting calling. First though, I need to settle in this new place. I need a job and to finish my house, then I can dive into my redneck bonfire idea. Except it hasn't been that easy. The job search has been the epitome of frustration and the house has its annoying parts too. I've been here a month and I have spent no time on what I would say my purpose was in moving here and all my time on the simple means of surviving on planet earth. I realize that to a degree this is unavoidable, but the insides of my heart are not immune to this. If I must ask the question "what has my purpose been lately"? it would be hard not to say "getting a job". It should be glorify God. I have let the mundane earthly trappings take center stage. I still need a job. But I need to glorify God more. It's time for a purpose check.

The next part is the FIGHT part. I like that. I read today that a 25 year old wide receiver for the Chicago Bears has decided to retire. When asked if he was going to try and talk him out of it Lovie Smith said something to effect that if a guy has decided he doesn't have the drive or passion to play anymore, you let him go, because he won't be able to perform anyway. Fight. Fighting takes passion. If I'm not fighting, I've lost my passion. I'm letting life happen to me. I've lost my connection the head. I'm content to exist, to roll with the punches. There's a fine line between contentment and apathy, and I'm treading on it. I need a renewed passion for God so I can re-engage victoriously.

Finally, the idea of "TAKING HOLD". That's a cool concept. It's already yours, so embrace it. Build around it, make it your life. Make it your PRIORITY. There's the third "P". It's positively pathetic and personally I practically feel like puking from the plethora of p's. Ughh. It's a bit similar to the first one in that I am faced with the reality that I have prioritized the minor. I am more passionate about the miniscule. My purpose is skewed. I guess they're all related. They're just one big issue. This has been a reality check. I was running a good race with a great and honorable purpose, then I realized there was some gum on my shoe and a month later I find myself fat and out of shape and on a crusade to end gum chewing in America. Time to refocus and get back to where my God has put me.

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